As the end of 2011 was approaching, I was thinking of stuff (as many people perhaps did) and of course the question of new year's resolution made its way into my head. I am not one who ever did that. I don't understand the need for it - If you wanna do something, just do it. However as the days were ending, a thought came that I should list all the nice things that happened in each of my days in 2012. It first came to me that I should tweet it everyday or put it in my Facebook status - show a little positivity to the world. Then I realized, I might be in places where I'll have no internet access. So I bought a thin cute book to list everything and I decided I would blog it at the end of each month. That somewhat became my new year's resolution. As not interesting as it may sound, I thought it would be a good practice to dig deep into my shitty days (which I am sure will exist) and see something, anything, at least one thing nice that happened that day. So if these entries are boring, I'm sorry (I'm sorry too if I'm tardy in posting). For some people, they may put things like got married, saw my baby for the first time, got proposed, etc. If it's me, perhaps the nicest thing was a chocolate bar, but then perhaps you can sense how sucky my day was that a chocolate bar was the nicest thing that happened to me :) Some days the nicest things will send me grinning from the inside, some days they will just stop me from crying, but those are my life in 2012, I suppose :)
PS: I did use this blog to talk about stuff long ago. I decided not to delete the entries. To read a more sobering view of my life, you can go here.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

November 2012

The nicest thing today was ...

306) 01/11/2012 - coding things that actually work. I actually find myself missing doing this.

307) 02/11/2012 - french class.

308) 03/11/2012 - The Perks of a Wallflower, Modern Family's latest episode (The Yard Sale).

309) 04/11/2012 - talking to my brother.

310) 05/11/2012 - The Walking Dead eventhough it shocked me, made me scream and curse, and broke my heart.

311) 06/11/2012 - Opera Van Java. I actually thought there were parts where Azis was funny :D

312) 07/11/2012 - being safe and sound in my room. I'm thankful for being able to feel that way in this new room.

313) 08/11/2012 - when someone not around and that fact just made me so much calmer and happier and not so tense.

314) 09/11/2012 - my cool room --> I think I mean that literally.

315) 10/11/2012 - the autumn display in the flower dome in Gardens by the Bay, McDonalds' ice cream cone, and Jenny 2.0.

316) 11/11/2012 - Glee. So glad to see Mercedes and Mike Chang and the new boy, he's handsome :)

317) 12/11/2012 - Daryl from The Walking Dead. I love him.

318) 13/11/2012 - being in my room all on my own.

319) 14/11/2012 - Jenny 2.0 giving me apple, again.

320) 15/11/2012 - being in my room.

321) 16/11/2012 - my nice french teachers. I'm afraid I will disappoint them :(

322) 17/11/2012 - Glease :P I love the new boy :P and also Argo.

323) 18/11/2012 - Downton Abbey. I'm gonna miss them when this season ends with the christmas special :(

324) 19/11/2012 - french movie, Intouchables. I love it but darn I didn't understand many of it without the subtitle.

325) 20/11/2012 - when I woke up in the morning feeling okay despite of the vertigo attack the night before.

326) 21/11/2012 - Jenny 2.0 giving me salmon for dinner.

327) 22/11/2012 - being in my room.

328) 23/11/2012 - Glee. I hope Marley chooses Ryder. I love him.

329) 24/11/2012 - the fact that it's Saturday.

330) 25/11/2012 - Sunday rain.

331) 26/11/2012 - mom texting me in the middle of the day, so out of the blue, telling me I can let go --> I rephrase this for this blog.

332) 27/11/2012 - Jaymes and James in The Amazing Race. I love the blonde one, I think it's Jaymes.

333) 28/11/2012 - surviving today and laughing wholeheartedly.

334) 29/11/2012 - completing DELF. Thank You God for bringing me in this place safe and sound. Let it be alright God. Please don't let it be disastrous.

335) 30/11/2012 - when the day was done and it's Friday without any burden or homework or task and how I love Glee's Ryder.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

October 2012

The nicest thing today was ...

275) 01/10/2012 - surviving today.

276) 02/10/2012 - when this Javanese girl, Fitri, came up to me and asked me if I was Indonesian. She's so sweet, she cannot help not calling me "mbak" :P

277) 03/10/2012 - having a short day.

278) 04/10/2012 - that today is not super awful. It's not awesome. Still not a happy day but it wasn't super awful.

279) 05/10/2012 - having a break through with the beef ball noodle uncle that he understood what I wanted.

280) 06/10/2012 - my mom and cousin, Yen Lisa.

281) 07/10/2012 - MasterChef Indonesia.

282) 08/10/2012 - Amazing Race featuring Indonesia.

283) 09/10/2012 - air-con.

284) 10/10/2012 - words from mom.

285) 11/10/2012 - finishing today.

286) 12/10/2012 - when the french class was small. It's nice comme ça.

287) 13/10/2012 - Looper. It was pretty good.

288) 14/10/2012 - getting some laughter from clips of Opera Van Java with Desta in it.

289) 15/10/2012 - when my mom offered me money to make me feel better.

290) 16/10/2012 - surviving today.

291) 17/10/2012 - the nice lunch. It was free and I don't think I deserved it.

292) 18/10/2012 - waking up this morning feeling good about the dreamless sleep that I had.

293) 19/10/2012 - when Janet, le professeur de français, m'a dit que I did pretty good / okay for my orale run-through.

294) 20/10/2012 - Italy: Love It or Leave It.

295) 21/10/2012 - a bar of chocolate.

296) 22/10/2012 - being entertained by The Walking Dead. Who knew I would actually miss those zombies and it's so good to see Daryl again :)

297) 23/10/2012 - seeing Desta in Opera Van Java and having them getting a laugh out of me.

298) 24/10/2012 - the feeling of acceptance and not total depression that I had when I visited my new room and meeting my new landlady who seems sincerely nice.

299) 25/10/2012 - when today ended.

300) 26/10/2012 - when one of the things that scared me a lot these past few weeks didn't turn out to be so bad.

301) 27/10/2012 - things went pretty great, so much better than I expected it would be. I thank God for this. Thank you God.

302) 28/10/2012 - McDonalds' meal. The cheese powder for the fries was pretty good.

303) 29/10/2012 - when Jenny 2.0 gave me dried fruits. It's very nice of her and surprisingly I kinda like it.

304) 30/10/2012 - Amazing Race.

305) 31/10/2012 - getting surprisingly an adequate lunch at a pretty cheap price.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 2012

The nicest thing today was ...

245) 01/09/2012 - the medicine from the doctor seems to be working.

246) 02/09/2012 - being better after I had a bout of really bad (I think) low blood pressure that made me feel like I'm gonna fall and faint if I stand too long.

247) 03/09/2012 - having a conversation which answered my many questions and kinda put me at ease ever so slightly and also the chinese girl in Shihlin who laughed when she saw me and got her colleagues to prepare my order correctly without me having to give any instructions.

248) 04/09/2012 - seeing glimpses of Desta in Opera Van Java (it's finally back to live with a better stage it seems). He still cannot sing :D

249) 05/09/2012 - I completed crocheting my first granny square. It's small with 4 rounds. Not perfect. Still not getting the color changing part neatly.

250) 06/09/2012 - having Max around and to be having little conversation with him.

251) 07/09/2012 - how perfect my bed was this morning.

252) 08/09/2012 - rain.

253) ... I think this is the day I forgot to write. It bound to happen.

254) 10/09/2012 - the nice clean feeling I have after my evening shower.

255) 11/09/2012 - when Dewi talked to me in MSN. I didn't feel so alone then.

256) 12/09/2012 - being safe and sound in my room.

257) 13/09/2012 - being in my room.

258) 14/09/2012 - having and meeting my french classmates in class. Glad to have them around.

259) 15/09/2012 - Glee. It managed to make me smile, but I also shed a tear or 2 because I was really feeling Rachel Berry.

260) 16/09/2012 - a bar of KitKat.

261) 17/09/2012 - finishing today early.

262) 18/09/2012 - when Max seemed to be really excited to talk to me and have discussion on stuff.

263) 19/09/2012 - getting a bit of laugh from Opera Van Java. I miss Desta. They have a new set and all but they seem to be less funnier ... is it just me?

264) 20/09/2012 - when the Jakartans (well most of them) decided that Jokowi and Ahok would be the next leaders for Jakarta :) Thank you guys for being open and acceptant :)

265) 21/09/2012 - the french teacher, Mr. V, told me that I was fast / sharp in discovering the color code in our black and white photocopies.

266) 22/09/2012 - listening to Diana Krall.

267) 23/09/2012 - the fact that I'm alive.

268) 24/09/2012 - Downton Abbey.

269) 25/09/2012 - unexpectedly getting a text from my brother.

270) 26/09/2012 - the chance to get away from nothingness and being able to talk to someone.

271) 27/09/2012 - realizing I can still give a genuine smile inspite of me still feeling pretty much depressed.

272) 28/09/2012 - when I waited some time for a lift to get me down. When it arrived, there was this westerner inside. I was kinda liking his hair color which I thought would be described as sandy brown (I could be so wrong). Anyway, when the lift arrived at the first floor and the door opened, he said "after you" to me. My heart smiled a bit :P Also I like how at ease I was and perhaps happy being among my french classmates gank.

273) 29/09/2012 - how wonderful the bed felt like this morning.

274) 30/09/2012 - MasterChef Indonesia. It was very cheeky of Chef Kenny and the producers to hide the fact that he can speak Indonesian :P

Sunday, September 02, 2012

August 2012

The nicest thing today was ...

214) 01/08/2012 - talking to mom.

215) 02/08/2012 - the fact that this last day ended up pretty okay despite of my nerves.

216) 03/08/2012 - that today is my break day. I got to play tourist and it was a long day. I watched Moonrise Kingdom, went to pray, visited the Harry Potter and Andy Warhol Exhibition and ended the day at Gardens By the Bay.

217) 04/08/2012 - being all by myself in my room.

218) 05/08/2012 - MasterChef Indonesia.

219) 06/08/2012 - talking to mom.

220) 07/08/2012 - finding a link to Downton Abbey that works and truly enjoying it.

221) 08/08/2012 - being safe and sound in my room going through episodes of Downton Abbey.

222) 09/08/2012 - Edward Norton and Jeremy Renner in The Bourne Legacy.

223) 10/08/2012 - getting to finish today earlier even though only by half an hour.

224) 11/08/2012 - the fact that today is a Saturday.

225) 12/08/2012 - MasterChef Indonesia.

226) 13/08/2012 - Downton Abbey. I really love it a lot.

227) 14/08/2012 - when Gascoigne said "hi" to me and asked me why I was sad.

228) 15/08/2012 - finishing today.

229) 16/08/2012 - a small block of chocolate. I shouldn't have but I think I really need it.

230) 17/08/2012 - being back in my room, all showered and smelling nice after a long day.

231) 18/08/2012 - Mark and Spencer's chocolate chip cookie. There's something about their chocolate. It's just so nice.

232) 19/08/2012 - Mark and Spencer's chocolate muffin.

232) 20/08/2012 - a nice omelette.

234) 21/08/2012 - Downton Abbey, especially Sybill and Branson. They made me smile.

235) 22/08/2012 - when Max excitedly told me about his new job. It's been awhile since he trusted me with something.

236) 23/08/2012 - finishing today.

237) 24/08/2012 - Le Petit Nicholas. It makes me smile :)

238) 25/08/2012 - being able to wake up late on this Saturday.

239) 26/08/2012 - a bar of chocolate and Downton Abbey.

240) 27/08/2012 - mom's text which was full of concerns.

241) 28/08/2012 - getting a text from Dagi who happens to be in town. Too bad we can't meet.

242) 29/08/2012 - Downton Abbey Christmas special. Too bad Sybill and Branson weren't there.

243) 30/08/2012 - a bar of chocolate. I need to get more.

244) 31/08/2012 - surviving today despite of something being wrong with my body and it seems to be getting worse.

Friday, August 03, 2012

July 2012

The nicest thing today was ...

183) 01/07/2012 - McDonalds' ice cream cone :)

184) 02/07/2012 - talking to mom. She's so funny when she told me that she and dad were watching a kiddy movie with a monkey in it in Global TV.

185) 03/07/2012 - Opera Van Java and I cannot lie that I was so happy to see Desta. Man! They really made me laugh.

186) 04/07/2012 - receiving a text from mom asking how things go.

187) 05/07/2012 - how my bed was in the perfect temperature this morning.

188) 06/07/2012 - finishing today. Thank God :)

189) 07/07/2012 - french class.

190) 08/07/2012 - Chef Juna from MasterChef Indonesia. He's freaking hot!!! It's unbelievable that I only know he exists now.

191) 09/07/2012 - the caleidoscope in Singapore Garden Festival. It made me grin. It was awesome.

192) 10/07/2012 - Oshie swinging in for lunch.

193) 11/07/2012 - when the auntie at lunch charged me less because she was nice to me.

194) 12/07/2012 - talking to mom.

195) 13/07/2012 - dinner with the people who kinda know me. It was really nice meeting them.

196) 14/07/2012 - french class.

197) 15/07/2012 - MasterChef Indonesia though Chef Juna was not in today.

198) 16/07/2012 - surviving today.

199) 17/07/2012 - the friendly auntie that sold me gado-gado today. Yeah, I'm gonna miss them a bit when I leave.

200) 18/07/2012 - surviving today.

201) 19/07/2012 - seeing Desta in Opera Van Java. I miss him :P It's been awhile since he last appeared. It's not live today which normally I find to be not as lively as the live show, but at least Desta was there :P

202) 20/07/2012 - that today is Friday.

203) 21/07/2012 - my short nap. Max on the phone being noisy woke me up.

204) 22/07/2012 - nasi kuning set *love*

205) 23/07/2012 - that it turned out to be a fine Monday :)

206) 24/07/2012 - getting a lot of laugh from clips of MasterChef Indonesia season 1. There was this contestant, Mas Sarwan, who was very funny and humble and embodied such a really good person character :P

207) 25/07/2012 - unexpected offer from someone. It proves that I don't suck. Thank you God.
* this is not the exact sentence that I wrote.

208) 26/07/2012 - finding out that I'll get some money tomorrow :P

209) 27/07/2012 - finishing today.

210) 28/07/2012 - MasterChef Indonesia.

211) 29/07/2012 - meeting my brother.

212) 30/07/2012 - surviving today.

213) 31/07/2012 - being able to sit in my morning train ride.

Monday, July 02, 2012

June 2012

The nicest thing today was ...

153) 01/06/2012 - sitting down in my room going through episodes of Fringe and The Big Bang Theory.

154) 02/06/2012 - watching TV off the Net, catching up on Grey's Anatomy (Dr.Sloane became so interesting for me for the first time) and finishing The Big Bang Theory.

155) 03/06/2012 - talking to mom.

156) 04/06/2012 - surviving today.

157) 05/06/2012 - Nina Zilli's Piangono Le Viole. It makes me miss Italia though :|

158) 06/06/2012 - Opera Van Java. Desta was there :) But Sule was missing though.

159) 07/06/2012 - talking to mom and kind words from my cousin, YenYen.

160) 08/06/2012 - McDonalds' hot fudge sundae.

161) 09/06/2012 - today is Saturday.

162) 10/06/2012 - talking to mom. She's the best.

163) 11/06/2012 - a text from mom asking me how I was in delivering a hard decision that I had to make.

164) 12/06/2012 - Desta in Opera Van Java :) I love him :) Oh and Sule is back.

165) 13/06/2012 - seeing Desta again in Opera Van Java.

166) 14/06/2012 - being able to pee in a cup without much drama and no spill :)

167) 15/06/2012 - McDonalds' hot fudge sundae.

168) 16/06/2012 - this morning when I thought I was going to be running really late but in the end not really.

169) 17/06/2012 - the fact that it's Sunday.

170) 18/06/2012 - pages from the Night Circus.

171) 19/06/2012 - Opera Van Java :D They made me laugh really hard and I was so happy when Desta showed up:)

172) 20/06/2012 - seeing Desta as Opera Van Java was doing its intro :) The boy can't sing but he did much better today :)

173) 21/06/2012 - when Max quickly helped me clean the mess I created when I spilled the soup that I hadn't had the chance to eat all over the table and floor.

174) 22/06/2012 - being able to survive today with my flu.

175) 23/06/2012 - surviving french class with my flu which still hasn't gone away.

176) 24/06/2012 - Mark & Spencer's chocolate muffin.

177) 25/06/2012 - being able to spend most of the day in my room.

178) 26/06/2012 - being able to kinda breathe normally after days of flu.

179) 27/06/2012 - seeing Desta in Opera Van Java :) Seriously I was so happy! Too bad Giselle was not in today.

180) 28/06/2012 - (I cannot lie) Desta in Opera Van Java :) I wonder if he'll finally be able to sing in tune with all the casts there since all of them can sing really well.

181) 29/06/2012 - finishing today.

182) 30/06/2012 - Indonesian Idol, especially Mike Mohede. His voice is awesome. But darn the show runs really long that I didn't watch it 'til it's done.
PS: A lot of "Desta" there, I am having a crush on him :P

Saturday, June 02, 2012

May 2012

The nicest thing today was ...

122) 01/05/2012 - being able to get up at 10.

123) 02/05/2012 - surviving today.

124) 03/05/2012 - being able to laugh whole heartedly because of Opera Van Java. Desta was there. He's a skinny funny cute guy. Cute in his own way :P

125) 04/05/2012 - reaching my bed after a long day.

126) 05/05/2012 - when it started to rain at about 01:30 am - ish as I was about to go to sleep. Then also the fact that I got to wake up at any hour I please.

127) 06/05/2012 - the relaxing morning catching up on House and an evening with Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. I was really sad for Snape when he had to kill Dumbledore. I still am after all this time. For me, that's the tragedy.

128) 07/05/2012 - House. I'm gonna miss it when it's gone :(

129) 08/05/2012 - surviving today.

130) 09/05/2012 - finding out that dad is okay and Glee :) especially the boys :)

131) 10/05/2012 - that the family got the package I sent home and mom loves the scarf I got her.

132) 11/05/2012 - Modern Family's Dylan. He becomes so handsome :) Also Raphael Saadiq's The Way I See It album.

133) 12/05/2012 - french class with people I'm comfortable with and finding out I passed the french test :) I got 81. It's a miracle. I did get a lower score on the orale part than my classmates but oh well ...

134) 13/05/2012 - speaking to my brother (mom and dad were already asleep).

135) 14/05/2012 - talking to mom.

136) 15/05/2012 - 21 Jump Street. Thank you for making me laugh :)

137) 16/05/2012 - 2 Glee episodes back to back. The stories were rather weird but I'm glad there's another episode left in the season :)

138) 17/05/2012 - being in my room and knowing that I'm safe here. It's not much but it's really my sanctuary.

139) 18/05/2012 - The Raid. I was pretty sad when Sergeant Jaka died :'(

140) 19/05/2012 - ultimately being in my room, away from people.

141) 20/05/2012 - The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.

142) 21/05/2012 - the cool water during my shower. Singapore's been very hot these days that I started to take my shower without using the water heater and it feels really good.

143) 22/05/2012 - talking to mom.

144) 23/05/2012 - Glee. The season finale was really touching. Things feel like they're really gonna change :(

145) 24/05/2012 - comforting words from mom and my cousin.

146) 25/05/2012 - Modern Family. Gonna miss them during break. Hope Dylan will be featured more often. He's so handsome!!! :P

147) 26/05/2012 - hanging out in my french class.

148) 27/05/2012 - Mark & Spencer's chocolate muffin :)

149) 28/05/2012 - talking to mom, just hearing her voice.

150) 29/05/2012 - Opera Van Java (it's been awhile) and a bag of Van Houten's almond chocolate (I know I shouldn't have).

151) 30/05/2012 - surviving today.

152) 31/05/2012 - seeing Desta in Opera Van Java. He feels sad for me though. Still, it's always a good laugh with OVJ :)

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

April 2012

The nicest thing today was ...

92) 01/04/2012 - how the nice the temperature of my room was when I was taking my nap.

93) 02/04/2012 - getting my new glasses.

94) 03/04/2012 - Ten To Five's I Love Indonesia album :)

95) 04/04/2012 - talking to dad then mom before I go.

96) 05/04/2012 - arriving in Goreme after a long journey.

97) 06/04/2012 - being able to take a hot air balloon ride and meeting a handsome Turkish tour guide :P

98) 07/04/2012 - getting the handsome guide again :P Man! He's so cute. Also surviving the underground city, then hiking / walking 4km in Ihlara Valley and then watching the Whirling Dervishes. Then I also talked in Italian to an Italian dad and his 2-year old daughter, Bianca, from Ravenna. I'm not good in Italian baby talk :P

99) 08/04/2012 - arriving in Izmir safe and sound. Bought a new suitcase from a cute chubby boy and his dad. I told the 15-year old boy that his eyes were beautiful :P His dad smiled :)

100) 09/04/2012 - waddling in the travertines of Pamukkale.

101) 10/04/2012 - seeing the Virgin Mary's last house.

102) 11/04/2012 - seeing part of Izmir and arriving safely in Istanbul.

103) 12/04/2012 - feeling awed with the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace's Chamber of Trust / Sacred Relics, and Hagia Sophia. Awesome stuff :)

104) 13/04/2012 - seeing the Basilica Cistern and the Blue Mosque at night and feeling it's such a sanctuary for me.

105) 14/04/2012 - arriving in Singapore in 1 piece and I actually slept on the plane (thanks to the empty seat next to me).

106) 15/04/2012 - the talk with mom and talking about my trip. It's great to hear mom being excited to hear it.

107) 16/04/2012 - surviving Monday.

108) 17/04/2012 - the sms with mom.

109) 18/04/2012 - Glee :)

110) 19/04/2012 - talking to mom.

111) 20/04/2012 - MODERN FAMILY :)

112) 21/04/2012 - completing my french test eventhough I was dreading it and I'm not sure I'm going to pass but I didn't back out and I did it. Please God let me pass with a not-bad score, please. Amen!

113) 22/04/2012 - talking to my brother.

114) 23/04/2012 - the lady at the bakery which I like who seemed to start to recognize me. She asked if I liked their raisin cinnamon roll. I do, I like it a lot :)

115) 24/04/2012 - getting a few laugh with Opera Van Java. They seemed to be running efficiently today :)

116) 25/04/2012 - Glee, especially Blane, he's so good this week. Teen Jesus was also pretty charming this week :P

117) 26/04/2012 - when the auntie who sold my dinner said, "thank you sayang" to me. This was so nice especially since I had a hard time keeping my anger down at the stupid photo shop.

118) 27/04/2012 - the fact that I can sleep without having to set the alarm for tomorrow.

119) 28/04/2012 - not having to wake up early and it was raining this morning! It felt really good to just stay in bed.

120) 29/04/2012 - my nap.

121) 30/04/2012 - feeling relaxed in my room.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

March 2012

The nicest thing today was ...

61) 01/03/2012 - being able to take a nap and actually fell asleep.

62) 02/03/2012 - my bed having the perfect temperature when I was taking my nap.

63) 03/03/2012 - it's Saturday. I can just be sick in my room.

64) 04/03/2012 - the fact that I kinda can breathe through my nose.

65) 05/03/2012 - talking to Max about his new haircut. He made me laugh. He said his new haircut made him look intelligent. I said, "yeah, but you are not so intelligent". He said, "yeah", agreeing with me. I rest my case :D

66) 06/03/2012 - talking to mom.

67) 07/03/2012 - little signs that I'm getting better. Had a normal lunch today, first one since some days now.

68) 08/03/2012 - lunch with Ms. J who gave me my first birthday present this year. Also the fact that I made it through the day and managed to reach my room in one piece despite of the lingering fever.

69) 09/03/2012 - getting through the day without having a pronounced fever.

70) 10/03/2012 - the aunties who prepared me my lunch allowed me to change items from their set meal without me having to pay an extra cost. They are nice and it's so nice not seeing the fake friendly auntie there today.

71) 11/03/2012 - an sms from my brother this morning on behalf of my dad saying "Happy Birthday". It's my chinese birthday today. Mom also sent me an sms, not to remind me about my chinese birthday but to tell me about the unsettling dream she had about me the night before. Not a really nice dream but I just felt good receiving her sms too.

72) 12/03/2012 - the small chat with Max. His aunt hid his laptop as a punishment and as mean as this sounds, it was rather funny seeing him getting all annoyed.

73) 13/03/2012 - the early birthday wishes from la Gioia and il Gatto. The one from il Gatto was really surprising. They're nice.

74) 14/03/2012 - birthday wishes from people.
* I wrote a longer entry on the book but not gonna share it here.

75) 15/03/2012 - an sms from mom. I had a hard time getting it but I think she was saying something supportive :P Also the scrap birthday card that my dear cousin, Marlisa, did for me. It was really nice.

76) 16/03/2012 - it's Friday. I was really relieved when my day was over.

77) 17/03/2012 - an sms from mom in the morning, asking me if I'm alright.

78) 18/03/2012 - a bar of kit kat.

79) 19/03/2012 - getting the green light for something I want to do and talking to mom.

80) 20/03/2012 - doing my french homework without much difficulty. That doesn't mean that I get all the answers correct though - hopefully I will.

81) 21/03/2012 - the orange yellowish sunset sky with a rainbow!

82) 22/03/2012 - Blake Shelton. Didn't expect to find him more interesting than Adam Levine.

83) 23/03/2012 - lying in my bed while enjoying some good British tv shows at night.

84) 24/03/2012 - mom's encouraging, supportive sms. It's nice to be getting your mom's blessing.

85) 25/03/2012 - pandan chiffon cake.

86) 26/03/2012 - talking to mom.

87) 27/03/2012 - surviving something.
* I don't feel like sharing what that something is, so that's censored.

88) 28/03/2012 - completing the tasks in the task list for something really awesome. I think I have a really good organizational skill.

89) 29/03/2012 - laughing when I watched a bit of Opera Van Java and also Blake Shelton (man! there's something about him).

90) 30/03/2012 - finishing Friday.


Saturday, March 03, 2012

February 2012

The nicest thing today was ...

32) 01/02/2012 - Opera Van Java. Thank you for making me laugh so hard.

33) 02/02/2012 - my cousin (Yen Lisa) sending me encouraging, comforting message in Facebook.

34) 03/02/2012 - finding out that McDonalds' prices went down. Wow!

35) 04/02/2012 - Indonesian lunch and the auntie who prepared it for me was all smiled and seemed happy to see me.

36) 05/02/2012 - watching The Descendants.

37) 06/02/2012 - bakso and ice avocado.

38) 07/02/2012 - finding out that I have to do something alone. It felt like a huge weight has been lifted off me. Thank you God!

39) 08/02/2012 - Glee :)

40) 09/02/2012 - Opera Van Java - good laugh :)

41) 10/02/2012 - being sick and having to stay in my room*
* This was not exactly what I wrote, I edited it for this blog.

42) 11/02/2012 - Indonesian lunch. The chicken was great.

43) 12/02/2012 - the fact that it's Sunday and I'm all alone.

44) 13/02/2012 - I survived Monday.

45) 14/02/2012 - I completed something that made me feel I'm awesome and man, I work fast.

46) 15/02/2012 - Glee. I love Sam! and teen Jesus has an amazingly beautiful face.

47) 16/02/2012 - Indomie's mie goreng pop mie. The only bad thing was that the portion was small :(

48) 17/02/2012 - the fact that it's Friday. Thank God!

49) 18/02/2012 - the Sistic lady at Alliance Française. She was so polite and friendly. Also free tickets for the Indonesian movie, Sang Penari, and Didik Nini Thowok's performance. Not sure if I'm going though.

50) 19/02/2012 - a bar of kit kat.

51) 20/02/2012 - Dr. Chase from House.

52) 21/02/2012 - a really nice sugar bread, delightful in its simplicity.

53) 22/02/2012 - Opera Van Java with Ruben Onsu. It's been awhile not seeing him.

54) 23/02/2012 - the movie Sang Penari. Really enjoyed it though I didn't like the ending. I loved seeing the character Rasus on the screen - not the most handsome Indonesian guy around but there's something about him :P

55) 24/02/2012 - when the day was over, I'm in my room and all is safe, I'm protected and can tune in to Modern Family.

56) 25/02/2012 - I have money. Thank God!*
* This was not exactly what I wrote, I edited it for this blog.

57) 26/02/2012 - great movies, Incredibly Loud and Extremely Close and Up.

58) 27/02/2012 - I survived this Monday.

59) 28/02/2012 - Opera Van Java. Sule was so funny. I'm thankful for the laughter they gave me.

60) 29/02/2012 - finishing my day earlier because I had a bad flu.*
* This was not exactly what I wrote, I edited it for this blog.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

January 2012

Sorry for the very late posting, let's begin.

The nicest thing today was ...

1) 01/01/2012 - watching the War Horse with many handsome blonde actors with bluish / greenish eyes. If only I can have a handsome blonde guy myself :P

2) 02/01/2012 - comfort food provided by Swensens, ended with coit tower with rum raisins and merry mint ice cream *hmmm*

3) 03/01/2012 - when Oshie said "hi" in gTalk and I got to talk to him about my ipod problem which has been bothering me. It's really good to have someone to talk to when I needed to talk to someone. Also, comfort food featuring Indonesian curry.

4) 04/01/2012 - when the noodle auntie in Lau Pa Sat straight away prepared my lunch upon seeing me at the stall without me having to say a word :)

5) 05/01/2012 - when I got my dinner and lunch, the aunties remembered how I like my order and I didn't have to say what I wanted. I just have to say yes / ya when they recited how I like my meals to be :)

6) 06/01/2012 - my iPod came back and it's all fixed. THANK YOU GOD!!!

7) 07/01/2012 - talking to Max and had him excitedly showed me some youtubes videos*.
* The videos weren't amusing for me.

8) 08/01/2012 - chocolate bar and it rained (though only a bit).

9) 09/01/2012 - the "okay" and ready to be relaxed feeling that I had while I was taking my shower.

10) 10/01/2012 - talking to mom.

11) 11/01/2012 - nothing is lost even though Max forgot to lock the door for the whole day.

12) 12/01/2012 - magnum gold ice cream*.
* It's S$3.95 though - I almost fainted paying it but it was from Germany and I just had a near-crying day.

13) 13/01/2012 - MODERN FAMILY. Oh how I heart them. Luke has grown so much during the break.

14) 14/01/2012 - when Mr. N said that one of my arguments was good and well thought off*.
* If there was a hint of sarcasm, I didn't notice it. So maybe it's for real :P

15) 15/01/2012 - the long talk with mom.

16) 16/01/2012 - surviving dinner with PET*.
* I was nervous about all of them speaking in chinese, but overall it was good.

17) 17/01/2012 - Reese butter cups :)

18) 18/01/2012 - GLEE. It made me cry and how I love Sam and Mercedes. Also, the uncle who sold me my green tea today made me laugh when he said, "but inside the can, it's not green". I was puzzled. He said, "it's yellow". I laughed :D

19) 19/01/2012 - being in Jakarta, looking up at the sky and seeing many stars, they felt so near and yet so far. Also my bed!!! This is home!

20) 20/01/2012 - watching The Iron Lady at Taman Anggrek Mall's nice almost empty cinema with a nice seat and then meeting the girls (Yen Lisa & Dewi).

21) 21/01/2012 - being home, away from Singapore. Also my bed!!!

22) 22/01/2012 - surviving the Chinese New Year's eve ritual in my family. Mom worked a lot. I didn't really.

23) 23/01/2012 - surviving Chinese New Year and meeting a particular "funny" aunt*.
* She said things like, "when Eka? when?". I said, "when what?". She said, "when are you going to get married? We are ready to fly to Singapore". Well auntie, I hope for other things :P

24) 24/01/2012 - the abundance of fruits in my house and mom peeled and cut them for us. Also Opera Van Java - It's hilarious!!!

25) 25/01/2012 - arriving at our destinations (uncle's new house and my house) after braving Jakarta's traffic.

26) 26/01/2012 - the girl talk with the girls. It was pretty mind opening :P

27) 27/01/2012 - spending time with mom - Using the busway (my first time), visiting the temple, and shopping for some supply things.

28) 28/01/2012 - being at home and getting a few laughters from the tv.

29) 29/01/2012 - mom telling me to take time to relax.

30) 30/01/2012 - KFC chicken, hug and kisses from mom.

31) 31/01/2012 - when a lady asked me to stand under her umbrella as I was waiting for the green light to cross the street and the rain was getting heavier and all I had was newspaper. God bless that lady!