The nicest thing today was ...
1) 01/01/2012 - watching the War Horse with many handsome blonde actors with bluish / greenish eyes. If only I can have a handsome blonde guy myself :P
2) 02/01/2012 - comfort food provided by Swensens, ended with coit tower with rum raisins and merry mint ice cream *hmmm*
3) 03/01/2012 - when Oshie said "hi" in gTalk and I got to talk to him about my ipod problem which has been bothering me. It's really good to have someone to talk to when I needed to talk to someone. Also, comfort food featuring Indonesian curry.
4) 04/01/2012 - when the noodle auntie in Lau Pa Sat straight away prepared my lunch upon seeing me at the stall without me having to say a word :)
5) 05/01/2012 - when I got my dinner and lunch, the aunties remembered how I like my order and I didn't have to say what I wanted. I just have to say yes / ya when they recited how I like my meals to be :)
6) 06/01/2012 - my iPod came back and it's all fixed. THANK YOU GOD!!!
7) 07/01/2012 - talking to Max and had him excitedly showed me some youtubes videos*.
* The videos weren't amusing for me.
8) 08/01/2012 - chocolate bar and it rained (though only a bit).
9) 09/01/2012 - the "okay" and ready to be relaxed feeling that I had while I was taking my shower.
10) 10/01/2012 - talking to mom.
11) 11/01/2012 - nothing is lost even though Max forgot to lock the door for the whole day.
12) 12/01/2012 - magnum gold ice cream*.
* It's S$3.95 though - I almost fainted paying it but it was from Germany and I just had a near-crying day.
13) 13/01/2012 - MODERN FAMILY. Oh how I heart them. Luke has grown so much during the break.
14) 14/01/2012 - when Mr. N said that one of my arguments was good and well thought off*.
* If there was a hint of sarcasm, I didn't notice it. So maybe it's for real :P
15) 15/01/2012 - the long talk with mom.
16) 16/01/2012 - surviving dinner with PET*.
* I was nervous about all of them speaking in chinese, but overall it was good.
17) 17/01/2012 - Reese butter cups :)
18) 18/01/2012 - GLEE. It made me cry and how I love Sam and Mercedes. Also, the uncle who sold me my green tea today made me laugh when he said, "but inside the can, it's not green". I was puzzled. He said, "it's yellow". I laughed :D
19) 19/01/2012 - being in Jakarta, looking up at the sky and seeing many stars, they felt so near and yet so far. Also my bed!!! This is home!
20) 20/01/2012 - watching The Iron Lady at Taman Anggrek Mall's nice almost empty cinema with a nice seat and then meeting the girls (Yen Lisa & Dewi).
21) 21/01/2012 - being home, away from Singapore. Also my bed!!!
22) 22/01/2012 - surviving the Chinese New Year's eve ritual in my family. Mom worked a lot. I didn't really.
23) 23/01/2012 - surviving Chinese New Year and meeting a particular "funny" aunt*.
* She said things like, "when Eka? when?". I said, "when what?". She said, "when are you going to get married? We are ready to fly to Singapore". Well auntie, I hope for other things :P
24) 24/01/2012 - the abundance of fruits in my house and mom peeled and cut them for us. Also Opera Van Java - It's hilarious!!!
25) 25/01/2012 - arriving at our destinations (uncle's new house and my house) after braving Jakarta's traffic.
26) 26/01/2012 - the girl talk with the girls. It was pretty mind opening :P
27) 27/01/2012 - spending time with mom - Using the busway (my first time), visiting the temple, and shopping for some supply things.
28) 28/01/2012 - being at home and getting a few laughters from the tv.
29) 29/01/2012 - mom telling me to take time to relax.
30) 30/01/2012 - KFC chicken, hug and kisses from mom.
31) 31/01/2012 - when a lady asked me to stand under her umbrella as I was waiting for the green light to cross the street and the rain was getting heavier and all I had was newspaper. God bless that lady!
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