306) 01/11/2012 - coding things that actually work. I actually find myself missing doing this.
307) 02/11/2012 - french class.
308) 03/11/2012 - The Perks of a Wallflower, Modern Family's latest episode (The Yard Sale).
309) 04/11/2012 - talking to my brother.
310) 05/11/2012 - The Walking Dead eventhough it shocked me, made me scream and curse, and broke my heart.
311) 06/11/2012 - Opera Van Java. I actually thought there were parts where Azis was funny :D
312) 07/11/2012 - being safe and sound in my room. I'm thankful for being able to feel that way in this new room.
313) 08/11/2012 - when someone not around and that fact just made me so much calmer and happier and not so tense.
314) 09/11/2012 - my cool room --> I think I mean that literally.
315) 10/11/2012 - the autumn display in the flower dome in Gardens by the Bay, McDonalds' ice cream cone, and Jenny 2.0.
316) 11/11/2012 - Glee. So glad to see Mercedes and Mike Chang and the new boy, he's handsome :)
317) 12/11/2012 - Daryl from The Walking Dead. I love him.
318) 13/11/2012 - being in my room all on my own.
319) 14/11/2012 - Jenny 2.0 giving me apple, again.
320) 15/11/2012 - being in my room.
321) 16/11/2012 - my nice french teachers. I'm afraid I will disappoint them :(
322) 17/11/2012 - Glease :P I love the new boy :P and also Argo.
323) 18/11/2012 - Downton Abbey. I'm gonna miss them when this season ends with the christmas special :(
324) 19/11/2012 - french movie, Intouchables. I love it but darn I didn't understand many of it without the subtitle.
325) 20/11/2012 - when I woke up in the morning feeling okay despite of the vertigo attack the night before.
326) 21/11/2012 - Jenny 2.0 giving me salmon for dinner.
327) 22/11/2012 - being in my room.
328) 23/11/2012 - Glee. I hope Marley chooses Ryder. I love him.
329) 24/11/2012 - the fact that it's Saturday.
330) 25/11/2012 - Sunday rain.
331) 26/11/2012 - mom texting me in the middle of the day, so out of the blue, telling me I can let go --> I rephrase this for this blog.
332) 27/11/2012 - Jaymes and James in The Amazing Race. I love the blonde one, I think it's Jaymes.
333) 28/11/2012 - surviving today and laughing wholeheartedly.
334) 29/11/2012 - completing DELF. Thank You God for bringing me in this place safe and sound. Let it be alright God. Please don't let it be disastrous.
335) 30/11/2012 - when the day was done and it's Friday without any burden or homework or task and how I love Glee's Ryder.
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