153) 01/06/2012 - sitting down in my room going through episodes of Fringe and The Big Bang Theory.
154) 02/06/2012 - watching TV off the Net, catching up on Grey's Anatomy (Dr.Sloane became so interesting for me for the first time) and finishing The Big Bang Theory.
155) 03/06/2012 - talking to mom.
156) 04/06/2012 - surviving today.
157) 05/06/2012 - Nina Zilli's Piangono Le Viole. It makes me miss Italia though :|
158) 06/06/2012 - Opera Van Java. Desta was there :) But Sule was missing though.
159) 07/06/2012 - talking to mom and kind words from my cousin, YenYen.
160) 08/06/2012 - McDonalds' hot fudge sundae.
161) 09/06/2012 - today is Saturday.
162) 10/06/2012 - talking to mom. She's the best.
163) 11/06/2012 - a text from mom asking me how I was in delivering a hard decision that I had to make.
164) 12/06/2012 - Desta in Opera Van Java :) I love him :) Oh and Sule is back.
165) 13/06/2012 - seeing Desta again in Opera Van Java.
166) 14/06/2012 - being able to pee in a cup without much drama and no spill :)
167) 15/06/2012 - McDonalds' hot fudge sundae.
168) 16/06/2012 - this morning when I thought I was going to be running really late but in the end not really.
169) 17/06/2012 - the fact that it's Sunday.
170) 18/06/2012 - pages from the Night Circus.
171) 19/06/2012 - Opera Van Java :D They made me laugh really hard and I was so happy when Desta showed up:)
172) 20/06/2012 - seeing Desta as Opera Van Java was doing its intro :) The boy can't sing but he did much better today :)
173) 21/06/2012 - when Max quickly helped me clean the mess I created when I spilled the soup that I hadn't had the chance to eat all over the table and floor.
174) 22/06/2012 - being able to survive today with my flu.
175) 23/06/2012 - surviving french class with my flu which still hasn't gone away.
176) 24/06/2012 - Mark & Spencer's chocolate muffin.
177) 25/06/2012 - being able to spend most of the day in my room.
178) 26/06/2012 - being able to kinda breathe normally after days of flu.
179) 27/06/2012 - seeing Desta in Opera Van Java :) Seriously I was so happy! Too bad Giselle was not in today.
180) 28/06/2012 - (I cannot lie) Desta in Opera Van Java :) I wonder if he'll finally be able to sing in tune with all the casts there since all of them can sing really well.
181) 29/06/2012 - finishing today.
182) 30/06/2012 - Indonesian Idol, especially Mike Mohede. His voice is awesome. But darn the show runs really long that I didn't watch it 'til it's done.