61) 01/03/2012 - being able to take a nap and actually fell asleep.
62) 02/03/2012 - my bed having the perfect temperature when I was taking my nap.
63) 03/03/2012 - it's Saturday. I can just be sick in my room.
64) 04/03/2012 - the fact that I kinda can breathe through my nose.
65) 05/03/2012 - talking to Max about his new haircut. He made me laugh. He said his new haircut made him look intelligent. I said, "yeah, but you are not so intelligent". He said, "yeah", agreeing with me. I rest my case :D
66) 06/03/2012 - talking to mom.
67) 07/03/2012 - little signs that I'm getting better. Had a normal lunch today, first one since some days now.
68) 08/03/2012 - lunch with Ms. J who gave me my first birthday present this year. Also the fact that I made it through the day and managed to reach my room in one piece despite of the lingering fever.
69) 09/03/2012 - getting through the day without having a pronounced fever.
70) 10/03/2012 - the aunties who prepared me my lunch allowed me to change items from their set meal without me having to pay an extra cost. They are nice and it's so nice not seeing the fake friendly auntie there today.
71) 11/03/2012 - an sms from my brother this morning on behalf of my dad saying "Happy Birthday". It's my chinese birthday today. Mom also sent me an sms, not to remind me about my chinese birthday but to tell me about the unsettling dream she had about me the night before. Not a really nice dream but I just felt good receiving her sms too.
72) 12/03/2012 - the small chat with Max. His aunt hid his laptop as a punishment and as mean as this sounds, it was rather funny seeing him getting all annoyed.
73) 13/03/2012 - the early birthday wishes from la Gioia and il Gatto. The one from il Gatto was really surprising. They're nice.
74) 14/03/2012 - birthday wishes from people.
* I wrote a longer entry on the book but not gonna share it here.
75) 15/03/2012 - an sms from mom. I had a hard time getting it but I think she was saying something supportive :P Also the scrap birthday card that my dear cousin, Marlisa, did for me. It was really nice.
76) 16/03/2012 - it's Friday. I was really relieved when my day was over.
77) 17/03/2012 - an sms from mom in the morning, asking me if I'm alright.
78) 18/03/2012 - a bar of kit kat.
79) 19/03/2012 - getting the green light for something I want to do and talking to mom.
80) 20/03/2012 - doing my french homework without much difficulty. That doesn't mean that I get all the answers correct though - hopefully I will.
81) 21/03/2012 - the orange yellowish sunset sky with a rainbow!
82) 22/03/2012 - Blake Shelton. Didn't expect to find him more interesting than Adam Levine.
83) 23/03/2012 - lying in my bed while enjoying some good British tv shows at night.
84) 24/03/2012 - mom's encouraging, supportive sms. It's nice to be getting your mom's blessing.
85) 25/03/2012 - pandan chiffon cake.
86) 26/03/2012 - talking to mom.
87) 27/03/2012 - surviving something.
* I don't feel like sharing what that something is, so that's censored.
88) 28/03/2012 - completing the tasks in the task list for something really awesome. I think I have a really good organizational skill.
89) 29/03/2012 - laughing when I watched a bit of Opera Van Java and also Blake Shelton (man! there's something about him).
90) 30/03/2012 - finishing Friday.