32) 01/02/2012 - Opera Van Java. Thank you for making me laugh so hard.
33) 02/02/2012 - my cousin (Yen Lisa) sending me encouraging, comforting message in Facebook.
34) 03/02/2012 - finding out that McDonalds' prices went down. Wow!
35) 04/02/2012 - Indonesian lunch and the auntie who prepared it for me was all smiled and seemed happy to see me.
36) 05/02/2012 - watching The Descendants.
37) 06/02/2012 - bakso and ice avocado.
38) 07/02/2012 - finding out that I have to do something alone. It felt like a huge weight has been lifted off me. Thank you God!
39) 08/02/2012 - Glee :)
40) 09/02/2012 - Opera Van Java - good laugh :)
41) 10/02/2012 - being sick and having to stay in my room*
* This was not exactly what I wrote, I edited it for this blog.
42) 11/02/2012 - Indonesian lunch. The chicken was great.
43) 12/02/2012 - the fact that it's Sunday and I'm all alone.
44) 13/02/2012 - I survived Monday.
45) 14/02/2012 - I completed something that made me feel I'm awesome and man, I work fast.
46) 15/02/2012 - Glee. I love Sam! and teen Jesus has an amazingly beautiful face.
47) 16/02/2012 - Indomie's mie goreng pop mie. The only bad thing was that the portion was small :(
48) 17/02/2012 - the fact that it's Friday. Thank God!
49) 18/02/2012 - the Sistic lady at Alliance Française. She was so polite and friendly. Also free tickets for the Indonesian movie, Sang Penari, and Didik Nini Thowok's performance. Not sure if I'm going though.
50) 19/02/2012 - a bar of kit kat.
51) 20/02/2012 - Dr. Chase from House.
52) 21/02/2012 - a really nice sugar bread, delightful in its simplicity.
53) 22/02/2012 - Opera Van Java with Ruben Onsu. It's been awhile not seeing him.
54) 23/02/2012 - the movie Sang Penari. Really enjoyed it though I didn't like the ending. I loved seeing the character Rasus on the screen - not the most handsome Indonesian guy around but there's something about him :P
55) 24/02/2012 - when the day was over, I'm in my room and all is safe, I'm protected and can tune in to Modern Family.
56) 25/02/2012 - I have money. Thank God!*
* This was not exactly what I wrote, I edited it for this blog.
57) 26/02/2012 - great movies, Incredibly Loud and Extremely Close and Up.
58) 27/02/2012 - I survived this Monday.
59) 28/02/2012 - Opera Van Java. Sule was so funny. I'm thankful for the laughter they gave me.
60) 29/02/2012 - finishing my day earlier because I had a bad flu.*
* This was not exactly what I wrote, I edited it for this blog.